In the framework of the remembrance of the beginning of the First World War ("De Groote Oorlog"), M. Luc Devoldere (editor of Ons Erfdeel vzw and author, and editor of the French language journal "Septentrion" and the English book series "The Low Countries") and M. Michael Amara spoke on the First World War.
Luc Vandermaelen read from the work of Marguerite Yourcenar, Céline, Ernst Jünger, Stefan Zweig, Hugo Claus and others.
Activity organised at the occasion of the publication of a special issue on the Great War of the journal “Septentrion. Arts, lettres et culture de Flandre et des Pays-Bas” and a special issue of “The Low Countries. Arts and Society in Flanders and the Netherlands” on the theme: “I died in Hell – they called it Passchendaele.”
Activity in French followed by a walking cocktail.