Scientific Books

In accordance with its mission to support high level research in Belgium, the University Foundation provides financial support to partially cover the costs of the publication of scientific books which report on research in Belgian research groups.

Because the possible support is restricted to Belgian research groups, the regulations and application procedures are only available in French and in Dutch.

Books subsidized by the University Foundation

What follows is a list of books that were subsidized by the University Foundation since 2013. The titles are ordered by year of publication and by title. An extended list of subsidized books can be found in "Publications archive".

Helena AGAREZ MEDEIROS (Editions Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2013)

In the preface to La Mort de César (1736), Voltaire claimed to have written a tragedy inspired by Julius Caesar that, while not resembling Shakespeare’s play, was «entirely in the English taste». Such a claim has so far gone virtually unnoticed in scholarly circles, despite its intriguing nature. Furthermore, La Mort de César is commonly referred to as a cornerstone in the European reception of Shakespeare’s drama even though, according to Voltaire, his play was far removed from the barbaric, tasteless and therefore «untranslatable» Julius Caesar.

Laurence VAN NUIJS (Bruxelles : Peter Lang 2012)

Souvent jugée sectaire et dogmatique, la production culturelle communiste de l’immédiat après-guerre et de la guerre froide n’a que rarement suscité des analyses approfondies, particulièrement dans le contexte belge qu’interroge ce livre. Proposant pour la première fois une analyse systématique de la critique littéraire dans les journaux communistes de l’époque (1944-1956), Laurence van Nuijs examine la conception de la littérature qui s’y développe au quotidien.

SUAREZ-NANI, T., DUBA, W., CARRON, D. & ETZKORN, G. J. (ed.) (Leuven University Press 2010)

The texts edited in this volume deal with angelology and anthropology, and particularly with the nature and the functions of immaterial substances like angels and the human rational soul. Marchia discusses such controversial issues as universal hylomorphism, i.e., whether angels and the rational soul are composed of both matter and form (q. 13), the immortality of the soul (qq. 18-19), and the nature and the object of the intellect and will (qq. 20, 21), as well as the functionality of the angelic intellect - whether angels understand through discursive reasoning (q.
