Welcome to the website of the University Foundation

The University Foundation is the meeting place

  • for all academics in Belgium,
  • for academics and members of civil society,
  • for academics in Belgium, foreign academics and members of international organizations.

The various initiatives of the University Foundation are described on this website. For some parts of the website that are not relevant for international visitors there is no English version.



Two books which received subsidy for publication from ten the University Foundarion, have received an award.

The book « À la recherche de l’écologie temporelle. Vivre des temps libérés dans les collectifs néo-paysans autogérés : une analyse anthropologique » (author Madeleine Sallustio) was awarded the First Prize as "livre d'écologie politique". For more information on the award click here. For more information on the book, click here

The book "Le jardin anglais. Evolution du goût et passion botanique" (author Nathalie de Harlez) received the Prize Pierre-Joseph Redouté / Histoire 2023,  a Prize awarded every year to the best book on gardens. For more information on the award click here. For more information on the book, click here.

The University Foundation is proud to have contributed to these awards. Read more

Wednesday May 31, 2023 ar 5 pm.: Debate on "The future of the International monetary system" at the occasion of the publication of the book "Robert Triffin: A Life” by Ivo MAES (Prof. UC Louvain). Debate with Eric de Keuleneer (Chair), Ivo Maes (Robert Triffin Chair, Université catholique de Louvain), Jacques de Larosière (former Managing Director of the IMF), Peter Praet (former member of the ECB Executive Board (tbc), Elena Flores (Deputy-Director General, DG ECFIN, European Commission), Francesco Papadia (former Director-General, ECB) . 

For further information click "Read more".below.Read more

In 2022 the University Foundation started a series of panel debates in its new “Speakers' Corner” series, which gives the floor to British speakers and speakers from EU on UK-EU affairs. The recent activitey took place on May 15, 2023, at 6 pm and dealt with the question  "The UK and the EU in a changing world. Time for a new departure?". Panelists are - Professor Anand Menon (King’s College London), Andy Bounds  (lFinancial Times) and Stefaan De Rynck (Head of the Commission representation in Belgium and former senior adviser to BREXIT negotiator Michel Barnier). Moderator is Paul Adamson, chairman of the UK/EU Forum. Concluding re marks were formulated by Jim Cloos, SG of TEPSA  and Senior Associate Fellow of  the Egmont Institute. This activity was organized in collaboration by the University Foundation, the EU/UK FoundationTEPSA (Trans European Policy Studies Association), and the Egmont Institute.

Debate iollowed by a reception.
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In an official ceremony at the University Foundation on 5 December 2022,  the Fernand Collin Prize for Law was awarded to Dr. Janek Tomasz NOWAK  for his doctoral thesis "Ambtshalve toepassing van EU-recht door de Belgische burgerlijke rechter". The laureate obtained his Ph. D. from the KU Leuven in 2021. The thesis was supervised by Prof. dr. Piet Van Nuffel and Prof. dr. Benoît Allemeersch.Read more


The University Foundation has two new twinning partners : the « Koninklijke Industrieele Groote Club » in Amsterdam and the « Grémio Literário » in Lissabon.


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Tuesday 15 March 2022: As one of the activities organized by the University Foundation in which members talk about a recently published book about their scientific expertise, we are organizing a talk with Jean-Jacques Degroof about his book: From the Basement to the dome. How MIT's Unique Culture Created a Thriving Entrepreneurial Community (MIT Press, 2021).The speaker will be introducd by Prof. Sophie Manigart (UGent and Vlerick Business School).
Due to the topic, the activity will take place in English.
Causerie followed by a reception.
Participation 15 € per person.Registration form. Register and pay before 12 March.
For more information click "Read more".Read more

In 2022 the University Foundation starts a series of panel debates In its new “Speakers' Corner” series, which will give the floor to British speakers on EU and UK-EU affairs. It is organized in collaboration with the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA). The first activity in this series takes place on Wednesday 23 March 2022 at 6 pm, and will deal with  “WHAT THE PAST TELLS US ABOUT THE FUTURE: UK - EU RELATIONS”. The panel consists of Sir Stephen Wall, Dr Martin Westlake and Mr. Didier SeeuwsModerator: Mr Jim Cloos.

For more information click "Read more".

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